This photo was submitted by Angela O’Neil. She wrote:
“I took this photo of our house at 6 Shepherd St Darwin (which runs between Cavenagh and Woods Streets in the middle of Darwin City), on 25th December 1974, the morning after the cyclone hit. We weren’t able to spend the night in the house as it lost the roof and walls by around 11pm. By that time, I was at my boyfriend’s mother’s brick house in Jingli. My older sister Felicity, her boyfriend Greg, my father and stepmother spent the night in their car on Mindil Beach (where they had a caravan at the Mindil Beach caravan park). They faced their car into the wind for most of the night. Unfortunately my father had injured himself when trying to help my sister and her boyfriend tie the caravan down more securely. My father hit his own foot with an axe and so had quite a serious gash on the top of it. They later told me that they had all expected to get blown into the ocean during the night.