Category Photos

15 posts

Dr Vidya Bhushan Khurana

This picture was submitted by Dr Vidya Bhushan Khurana. He writes: “Our house after the cyclone. My wife and two sons were airlifted to Melbourne the next day, I stayed on as a GP at the hospital to support.”  

Mike Coles – Cyclone Tracy Cleanup Photos

These previously unpublished photos were submitted by Mike Coles. He writes: I was in Darwin for about three months as a PMG (later Telecom, Telstra) technician, from early January. The house with 3165 on it is where we lived for that time, at first without a roof, just tarps overhead). […]


These are some images of the devastation I’ve collected over the years. I don’t know the original source of most of these photos and don’t own the copyright.

Twisted steel

Over the years I’ve been asked about the iconic twisted steel photos. Here are some that are in the public domain. I do not own copyright to these photos.

Torn apart spaceship house a result of Cyclone Tracy.

The Spaceship House

Over the years many people have asked about the spaceship house. I found these images on the web.

Scott Gibson’s Christmas Present 1974

These pics were sent in by Scott Gibson. He wrote: “This is my Christmas present for 1974 was under the wreckage of our house I still have it they don’t build them like this anymore”.

292 Casuarina Drive, Bell Family after Cyclone Tracy

These pictures were submitted by Graeme Bell. He wrote: “Bell family, 292 Casuarina Drive, Nightcliff. Jim and wife Win (Winifred / Freddy) Bell had nearly finished the construction of a new two storey brick home in front of the older timber fibro single storey house. Tracy brought forward the intended […]

Gene Moyle

This picture was submitted by Gene Moyle. Gene wrote “This picture is of me as a young child (2.5 yrs) – Gene Moyle (nee Barrell) after evacuation to Brisbane following cyclone Tracy. This photo was on Page 4 of The Sunday Mail Colour Magazine, Picture Book 12, from 19th January […]

John Horn – RAAF

These photos were submitted by John Horn. He wrote “This was our house on the RAAF base”.

6 Shepherd Street after Cyclone Tracy

T This photo was submitted by Angela O’Neil. She wrote: “I took this photo of our house at 6 Shepherd St Darwin (which runs between Cavenagh and Woods Streets in the middle of Darwin City), on 25th December 1974, the morning after the cyclone hit. We weren’t able to spend […]

Aftermath – Photos by Rod Blume

Click on a photo to open in a lightbox. These photos were supplied by Simone Baird in the Cyclone Tracy Survivors facebook group.

The Patris

    Following cyclone Tracy the Australian Government leased the Patris from its parent company Chandris, to be used as a floating hostel for those who had lost their homes, from February 14, 1975 until November 1975. She was then used for several unsuccessful short term ventures before being scrapped […]