I spent two years at Larrakeyah Barracks, arriving about a month after Cyclone Tracy with thousands of other troops. After many others left, I was asked if I would stay on with 711 Supply Company. The barracks had sustained a lot of damage—I remember them being open to the weather, with no windows left and wooden lockers trashed—but we managed quite well as long as the canteen stayed open.
I quickly adapted to the lifestyle, even adopting a sari as my clothing of choice during off-duty hours. During my time there, I had many happy and profoundly sad experiences meeting the victims who remained in Darwin. I will never forget their courage and dedication to each other.
My duties allowed me to travel extensively around the Northern Territory, assisting with explosive ordnance disposal and liaising with NT Police. I left in the middle of 1977 for a posting in Sydney and was sorry to go in many ways.
The troops had immense respect for General Stretton and Clem Jones, and they should always be remembered for their efforts. The pictures I have attached are saved with appropriate names for their description. The picture of the patrol boat in the background is either HMAS Attack or Arrow—I cannot remember which.
I suspect the commemorations will be a sad affair in some ways, but they will allow people to remember the many victims and the countless individuals who rallied to assist.