We all looked into our mirrors as we left Tracy behind we’d done nothing to upset her but she had not been very kind trashed Darwin in her anger dashed children’s Christmas joys scattered homes and houses all the wrapping and the toys Dawn on The Stuart Highway the year […]
Category Poems & Short Stories
TRACY…. DARWIN…. CHRISTMAS….’74 It started with a warning As one the week before A cyclone was arriving And trouble was in store We filled the bath with water Took pictures off the wall Put blankets in the bathroom But Selma did not call The wind was just a whisper […]
According to folklore, there’s two eras in this town: Before Tracy and After. A simplistic assessment—just ask the Larrakia People—but it’s still an accepted ‘fact’. Merry Christmas, 1974. Take that up your clacker, Darwin. Plenty has been said about that mean little system—that bitch Tracy who almost wiped this northern capital off the map.
You can never understand me You don’t understand me, I could tell you a million times About Cyclone Tracy Christmas Eve 74, But you were not there… If you look at Darwin that morning, The debris is all that is in me, It is me. And I have been trying […]